交易量首次達到1百萬港元以上客戶需要填寫此表格For the all users who reach the transaction volume over HK$1 million. Customers need to fill out this form.
想了解更多 Tradecoin4u 反黑錢政策可登錄以下網址:Want to know more Tradecoin4u anti-money policy can be found at the following URL:https://www.tradecoin4u.com/aml
姓名Name :
手機Mobile :
雇主(如果是自僱人士,請描述您的自僱)Employer (If self-employed, please describe your self-employment):
淨資產Net worth:
流動資產淨值Liquid net worth:
財富來源Sources of Wealth:
就業收入Employment income
其他The other:
預計每月交易金額Expected sum of monthly trade (E.g. HK$ 2mil):
I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case of any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting. I am aware that I may be held liable for it. I understand and agree that Tradecoin4u will collect my information as a measure for preventing money laundering and terrorist financing. I am not doing any trades at Tradecoin4u with any money laundering, terrorist activities, terrorist financing activities or any criminal activity, and I will compensate the loss of Tradecoin4u if in violation of the above activities.
在此聲明所有上述信息均屬真實無誤I hereby declare that all the above information is true and correct